AMBA History

The history of AMBA, as submitted by Edna V. Latimer, decd. Executive Secretary AMBA (1972-2010 retired)

AMBA was incorporated in April, 1955 in Fulton County, Atlanta, GA. The application for tax-exempt status from IRS for a 501(c)(6) was filed on May 28, 1976, by Alan Dailey (Treasurer,) Don Bailey, (President,) Ernest Tharpe, (Vice President) and Robert Hearn, (Secretary). Peter Banks and Stan McCalla were attorneys for the Atlanta Mortgage Bankers Association and served as the contact with the State and National governments.

The purpose for which the organization was formed was to sponsor monthly luncheon meetings and other activities for employees of member firms who are mortgage bankers and affiliated firms. Each member firm paid $25 annual dues in addition to luncheon and dinner fees for officers and employees. Regular Members consisted of Mortgage Banking firms, originating and servicing loans for others. Affiliate members consisted of any firm in business related to real estate financing.

When The state association, MBAG, was chartered in 1972, AMBA became a chapter of MBAG. In 1979, under the presidency of Bob Hearn, my firm assumed full management of AMBA, with myself serving in the role of Executive Secretary. It was a pleasure and privilege working with Atlanta Mortgage Bankers Association and the Mortgage Bankers of Georgia for 37 or so years. I was a part of the (founding) of MBAG….not so with AMBA, so the first few years of AMBA is taken from the few records that were turned over when my firm was asked to assume management of AMBA along with MBAG.

I have many happy memories of my association with AMBA, and count many as friends.

Edna V. Latimer, Executive Secretary AMBA (decd.)


The earliest record of officers available is circa 1967:

AMBA Past Presidents


1967- William Jernigan
1968-Virgil J. Henderson
1969-Phillip Barrett


1970- Lawrence "Duke" Akin
1971-Thomas Bazzel
1972-Bill Alexander
1973-Royce F. West
1974-Jack T. Yarborough
1975-Robert C. Jessup
1976-Donald E. Bailey
1977-Ernest Tharpe
1978-Alan Dailey
1979-Robert Hearn


1980-Floyd Rush
1981-Robert "Bob" Kenknight
1982-Robert W. Smith, Jr.
1983-Donnell Smith
1984- Johnny Potter
1985-Winston Brown
1986-Bill Scott
1987-88 Ron Blomberg
1988-89 Larry Aronson
1989-90 Debbie Gray


1990-91 Robert St. John
1991-92 Beverly Barksdale
1992-93 Pat Anthony
1993-94 David Sims
1994-95 Bob Slocum
1995-96 George Malloy
1996-97 Tommy Cruse
1997-98 Alex Williams
1998-99 Julia Hiler-Barrette
1999-00 Leslie Kozicki


2000-01 Steve Sinclair
2001-02 Allen KenKnight
2002-03 Rick Floyd
2003-04 Debbie Pennington
2004-05 Jackie Dye
2005-06 Blaine Bailey
2006-07 Loretta Salzano
2007-08 Derek Watkins
2008-09 Merry Coalson
2009-10 Steve Copeland


2010-11 Jim Guthrie
2011-12 Rick Darlington
2012-13 Amy Butler
2013-14 Tony Boothe
2014-15 Michael Anthony
2015-16 Vicki Blum
2016-17 Josh Moffitt
2017-18 Jack Keeler
2018-19 Sue Hamilton
2019-00 Maggie Reames


2020-01 Angela Drew-Morris
2021-22 Rick Guerrero
2022-23 Jason Strain
2023-24 Jonathan Harris
2024-25 Tim Arrington